Talbot County Empty Bowls is an independent, 100% volunteer organization with the twin mission to eliminate hunger insecurity and to raise awareness in our community of this serious and fundamental issue. We started our branch in 2008 and have, through community generosity at a grassroots level, distributed over $338,000 to Talbot County food organizations, mostly local volunteer food pantries. Our annual distribution to some pantries has been instrumental in their ability to remain open.
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, Talbot County Empty Bowls is excited to host its annual in-person Community Dinner to raise funds for Talbot County food pantries and hunger-focused organizations that are in dire need of support.
Please consider making a tax-deductible sponsorship pledge. Each sponsor receives two tickets to our Community Gathering Dinner (Saturday, February 22, 2025). We will recognize sponsors on Social Media and all sponsors’ names will be included on printed materials on every table. Sponsors may certainly request to remain anonymous.
We welcome individuals/groups of individuals and businesses/corporations as sponsors and offer them the same recognition.
Silver Spoon $2,000+
Crock Pot $1,000+
Bowl of Soup $500+
Cup of Soup $250+
Ticket sales from the Community Gathering Dinner and donations go directly to the Talbot County organizations that address hunger in our community.
The Empty Bowls Talbot Fund is a component fund of Mid-Shore Community Foundation, a public foundation designated as a 501(c)(3) charity. Donations to the Fund are tax-deductible as allowed by law. A copy of Mid-Shore Community Foundation’s financial statement is available at www.mscf.org or by calling 410-820-8175. Information about Mid-Shore submitted under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act can be obtained from the Office of the Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401.